

1. Good morning sir/madam. 早晨好!先生/女士

2. Good afternoon.午安

3. How are you? 你好吗?

4. I can speak a little English.我不太会说英语。

5. Please speak slowly.请慢慢讲。

6. Would you mind speaking louder please. 请说大声些 。

7. Do you wear glasses? 你戴眼镜吗?

8. I wear contact lenses. 我戴隐形眼镜

9. Do you live at the same address? 你还住在原来的地址吗?

10. Do you have any medical problems?  你今天的健康状况有问题吗?

11. Did you have a license before?  你以前有车牌吗?

12. You must obey by all the rules and traffic signs.你要遵守所有交通规例及路牌。

13. Do you have any questions?  你有什么疑问吗?

14. Please sign your name here. 请在这里签名。

15. Are you ready now?  你可以开始吗?

16. Turn on the engine(ignition). 打火。

17. Let's go. 现在开始

18. Right turn  右转

19. Left turn 左转

20. Go straight/Keep going straight  直行

21. First street right turn /left turn 第一条街右转/左转

22. Traffic light right turn /left turn 交通灯右转/左转

23. stop sign, make a right turn/left turn  停牌右转/左转

24. Stay in this lane  保持在这条线行驶

25. Turn on the wind shield wiper  开雨刮器

26. Pull 0ver to the curb/ Pull over parking  靠路边停车

27. Slow down 减速

28. Three point turn  三点式转(窄路掉头)

29. Parallel parking  平行泊车

30. Up hill parking  上坡停车

31. Down hill parking 下坡停车

32. Too close  驶得太近

33. Too slow  太慢

34. Too fast  太快

35. Speed up  加速行驶

36. Give a signal  打灯号

37. Cancel your signal  熄灯号

38. Try again 再做一次

39. Watch for pedestrians 小心行人

40. Follow that car 跟著那车

41. Go back to the test center 驶回考试场

42. Entrance 入口

43. Exit 出口

44. Intersection 十字路口

45. Fasten your seat belt 系好安全带

46. Parking brake 手刹

47. Head in parking/Drive in 车头进停车

48. Back in parking 车尾进停车

49. Turn off the engine 熄掉汽车

50. You failed 你不合格

51. You passed 你合格

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